1490G - Old Floppy Drive - CodeForces Solution

binary search data structures math *1900

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Python Code:

import sys

input = sys.stdin.readline
inf = float('inf')

def getInt():
    return int(input())

def getStr():
    return input().strip()

def getList(split=True):
    s = getStr()
    if split:
        s = s.split()
    return list(map(int, s))

t = getInt()

def solve():
    n, m = getList()
    a = getList()
    q = getList()
    from itertools import accumulate
    p = list(accumulate(a))
    gain = list(accumulate(p, max))
    from bisect import bisect_left, bisect
    for i in q:
        if i <= gain[-1]:
            it = bisect_left(gain, i)
            print(it, end=" ")
        elif p[-1] <= 0:
            print(-1, end=" ")
                        k = (i-gain[-1] + p[-1]-1) // (p[-1])
            i -= p[-1]*k
            res = n * k
            if i:
                res += bisect_left(gain, i)+1
            print(res-1, end=" ")

for _ in range(t):


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